Pet Memorials

We’re here to support you in your grief.

When we honor death we honor life, so know we are here to help you shout to the world every aspect of the sweet life you and your family shared with a beautiful spirit.

Invite your family and friends to join us on this page and to share their thoughts about your beloved pet as well as to light a candle in honor of them and you.

Lastly, to you and your shattered heart, we send peace and light.



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“We love and miss you, sweet boy. You will forever be in our hearts and thoughts. You were such a big, sweet, gentle soul that brought joy and unconditional love to our lives! You will never be forgotten, and your paw print will forever be on our hearts. Until we meet again one day at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet boy!”



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“Such a special kitty – she was an old soul and the queen of the purr. We were fortunate to have had 13 years of her love and affection.”



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“We miss your sweet face in the window when we leave and you happily greeting us when we return. We miss you beside us while we sleep. We miss your excitement when we have visitors. We miss seeing you in all of your favorite spots. We miss the puddles of drinking water all over the floor. We miss showering you with love and the love you always gave in return. We miss it all and life just doesn’t feel the same without you our sweet girl. 🤍”



“Maddy was adopted from the animal shelter when she was just a kitten. She was diagnosed with kidney disease at the young age of 4 and we weren’t sure how long she would be with us. She fought until the ripe age of 9 and exceeded everyone’s expectations. She was our model with a beautiful coat long legs and tail. She loved empty boxes, tissue paper and plastic bags. She was very well loved and forever missed.”



“In loving memory of our dear Osito our companion, you were one of a kind. We will carry you in our hearts and in our memories forever. Thank you for being with us. You were such a blessing. We love you.”



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“You came into our life when someone discarded you on the highway. Dad brought you home and it was a rough start but we made it! You gave us so much love and joy over 14yrs. You were smart and so gentle. We miss your ‘wooo wooo’ of excitement you are missed so much my boy. I’m sorry cancer took you from us. Till we find you again.”



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“My husband found Gracie running the streets in Akron, OH almost 8 years ago. She had burned paws from running on the hot pavement and also had Lyme’s disease and another tick born disease. She filled our hearts with love for all these years and unfortunately she developed melanoma in her mouth and only lasted 6 months after her diagnosis. Our black lab rescue, Murphy, took her under his wing as soon as we got her and they were best buddies. We all miss her very much. We have a huge hole in our hearts but we know she is always with us.”



“Thank you for your loyalty, protection and unconditional love for almost 14 years. I am forever grateful to have had the privilege of caring for such an amazing soul. You are forever loved and remembered. Rest in peace my very best friend! ♥️”



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“Kobe was our Chiweenie of 14 years. He was a talker! He loved rolling on our bed, on the carpet, and on his bed. When rolling back and forth, he’d make noises like ‘AR AR AR’, loving scratching his back. The house is so quiet with him gone. We didn’t realize how much he talked to us until now.”



“My baby girl was so cute, smart & sooo loved! I don’t believe in the word spoiled, when it comes to pets! She was 15 & got cancer. I had to make the selfless choice to put her at ease. It was the hardest thing I had to do! I’m glad I chose. A Gentle Farewell!”



“We didn’t choose Buster. He chose us. When we went to see the available puppies, he was in a pen with several other Dachshund puppies. He came over to us and stood up on the pen as if to say “Pick me!”. When we took him out to visit with him, he promptly crawled into my nephew’s lap and fell asleep. He chose us to be his family and we are forever grateful. He was funny, energetic and made his opinions known. He loved having all the family together. That usually meant there was food involved. We had 13 good years with our beautiful Buster. We’ll see you across the Rainbow Bridge one day, sweet boy.”



“This is our Tillie, one very loved little girl! She had the softest golden hair, she truly adored her Mama, and loved all her Family. She enjoyed walking on the beach and mostly being right beside us! She will always be remembered as the neighborhood socialite. She loved people, she was always kind, sweet, and friendly. She was indeed a very special dog, she was loved by everyone who met her!”



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