Animal Advocate Certificate

Join us in this transformative learning journey and become a certified advocate for animals and their families in need of compassionate end-of-life care and support.

What Is The Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate Program?

The Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate program is truly unique in that it complements and aligns with two other certification programs offered by the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC): the Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian program and the Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Technician program.

This integrated approach ensures that participants are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to address the diverse needs of their patients and clients. The Advocate program offers a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding and expertise in animal hospice and palliative care.

Why The IAAHPC Advocate Program?

Our instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the program, ensuring that participants receive top-tier education from leaders in the field. By learning from these experts, participants gain insights and skills that are unmatched elsewhere. This educational experience is tailored to equip professionals with the expertise and confidence needed to provide compassionate and comprehensive care to animals and their families during challenging times.

How Does It Work?

The Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate program offers three distinct levels of training, each designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of animal hospice and palliative care.

In addition to the three levels of training, participants have the opportunity to participate in advanced communication training by registering for the communication module and workshop. This training focuses on enhancing participants’ communication skills, particularly in the context of discussing sensitive topics related to end-of-life care with clients and caregivers. Effective communication is essential for building trust, providing support, and facilitating informed decision-making, making this training an invaluable addition to the program.

What Does Successful Completion Look Like?

By completing the Advocate program, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of animal hospice and palliative care from multiple perspectives. The Advocate certificate serves as a cohesive learning experience that enhances participants’ ability to provide holistic and compassionate care and support to animals and their families at every stage of the end-of-life journey. Upon successful completion, students will obtain the credentials Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate (CHPA).

Students who enroll in the advanced communication module and workshop as part of the Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate program have the opportunity to earn the additional credential of CHPA+ (Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate Plus). This credential recognizes their advanced training and expertise in communication skills, particularly in the context of discussing sensitive topics related to end-of-life care with clients and caregivers.

Bronze Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate

Bronze level: $299

Five (5) hours of recorded content followed by a short quiz

Communication module elective, which includes both the ten (10) hours of recorded content and participation in the live workshop: $600

At the bronze level, participants receive foundational training in animal hospice and palliative care. This level covers essential concepts, principles, and practices related to providing compassionate care and support to animals and their families during end-of-life transitions.

Topics include:

  1. The Foundations of Pet Loss Support
  2. End of Life Communication
  3. Ethical Decision Making in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care
  4. The Psychosocial Needs of Pet Owners and Supporting the Pet Owners Needs
  5. Honoring and Memorializing
Silver Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate

Silver Level: $499

Ten (10) hours of recorded content followed by a short quiz

Communication module elective, which includes both the ten (10) hours of recorded content and participation in the live workshop: $600

Participants delve deeper into advanced topics, further honing their skills in areas such as pet loss support, terminology and legal concerns.

Topics include:

  1. The Foundations of Pet Loss Support
  2. End of Life Communication
  3. AHPC Terminology
  4. Ethical Decision Making in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care
  5. The Psychosocial Needs of Pet Owners and Supporting the Pet Owners Needs
  6. Losing a Pet: A Child’s Perspective
  7. The Animal Dying Experience
  8. Honoring and Memorializing
  9. Understanding Options in Body Care
  10. Legal and Safety Concerns
Gold Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate

Gold Level: $899

Eighteen (18) hours of recorded content followed by a short quiz

Communication module elective, which includes both the ten (10) hours of recorded content and participation in the live workshop: $600

The gold level advocate course is designed for participants who are ready to deepen their expertise in animal hospice and palliative care. This level explores specialized topics and approaches, allowing participants to expand their knowledge and capabilities as advocates for animals in need of end-of-life care.

Topics include:

  1. The Foundation of Pet Loss Support
  2. End-of-Life Communication
  3. Conducting a Pet Loss Support Group
  4. Understanding Pet Parents Spiritual, Religious and Cultural Needs
  5. Losing a Pet: A Child’s Perspective
  6. Facilitating Communication
  7. Anticipatory Grief and the End of Life Walk
  8. Shifting Paradigms
  9. The Interdisciplinary Team
  10. The Hospice Consultation
  11. Education of the Patient’s Caretaker
  12. AHPC Terminology
  13. Ethical Decision Making in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care
  14. The Psychosocial Needs of Pet Owners and Supporting the Pet Owners Needs
  15. The Animal Dying Experience
  16. Honoring and Memorializing
  17. Understanding Options in Body Care
  18. Legal and Safety Concerns

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can enroll?

The Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Advocate program is open to a wide range of individuals who are passionate about providing compassionate care and support to animals and their families during end-of-life transitions. Eligible participants include:

  • Veterinary support staff
  • Non-credentialed veterinary assistants
  • Customer service representatives in veterinary practices or animal-related organizations
  • Social workers with an interest in animal welfare and end-of-life care
  • Grief counselors specializing in pet loss and bereavement support
  • Office managers and practice managers in veterinary clinics or animal care facilities
  • Shelter and rescue staff involved in animal welfare and caregiving
  • Crematory staff responsible for handling the remains of deceased animals
  • Reiki/Healing Touch for Animals® practitioners interested in integrating holistic healing modalities into end-of-life care
  • Animal communicators who facilitate communication between animals and their caregivers
  • Pet death doulas providing emotional and practical support to pet owners during the dying process and after death

Please note that all participants must be members in good standing of the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC) throughout the entirety of the program. This requirement ensures that participants are committed to the values and principles of the association and have access to the resources and support necessary for their professional development in animal hospice and palliative care.

What does the application process look like?

The application process for enrolling in the program typically involves the following steps:

  • Click Enroll Now on the Advocate Page.
  • If you’re not already a member of the IAAHPC, you’ll need to join prior to enrolling.
  • Complete a short enrollment application form.
  • Select your program level and elective of the communication module.
What is the time commitment?

On average, most students complete the program within 30-60 days. Any level of program must be completed within six (6) months from the time of enrollment.

Can this program be completed virtually?

Yes, the program can be completed entirely virtually. Regardless of your location, you can participate in the program remotely. It’s worth noting that every other year, there is an opportunity to attend our in-person conference. This conference provides an unique opportunity for attendees from around the world to gather together.

I have more questions, who can I speak with?

Our Program Advisor will be more than happy to help guide you and answer any questions you may have! Email at

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