Pet Memorials

We’re here to support you in your grief.

When we honor death we honor life, so know we are here to help you shout to the world every aspect of the sweet life you and your family shared with a beautiful spirit.

Invite your family and friends to join us on this page and to share their thoughts about your beloved pet as well as to light a candle in honor of them and you.

Lastly, to you and your shattered heart, we send peace and light.



“DiMaggio was the most loving loyal friend we have ever had. He loved completely. He loved to be loved. Ear rubs belly rubs and kisses. He loved pizza pasta and ice cream. He was a gentle giant that the whole family will miss!!! Until we meet again.”



“We had to let our sweet girl Daphne go in October. It broke our hearts even though we knew it was best for her. She was a huge part of our lives for 13 years. Her presence in our home will forever be missed!!”



“My dear Cinderella, my best friend, you gave me unconditional love and acceptance when nobody else would. You were always happy to see me when I came home and provided me with your company during my loneliest hours. Your innocence and funny ways provided me with enjoyment and laughter. I will forever miss you!”



“Vinny brightened up our lives for about thirteen years. Truly a special pet, he was always around to keep you from feeling lonely…”



“Our sweet Zoe left us too soon. In good physical health but her mind lost its edge. We loved her for 14 years.”



“To our sweet girl Maxie, you brought so much love, joy, laughter, happiness, and companionship to our life. You will be in our hearts forever. One day we’ll all be together forever. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Love always mommy and daddy!”



“Murphy was a character that truly made everyday with him special! Not a day goes by we don’t miss his goofiness and his loving eyes that would look into your soul! Rest in peace Murphy boy, you were so strong all the way to the end, our super dog! Adopted 3/29/2014. Laid to rest 11/18/2021.”



“Our beloved Tyson was my ride or die. He was my shadow, and we loved to go on walks, hikes, camping trips, swims at the beach and so, so much more. His time to go came too soon and our family misses him dearly. Our home will never be the same without him but he will forever be in our hearts and his memory will live on.”



“We miss your sweetness and companionship so much. You are forever in our hearts. We love you more than words can say, sweet girl.”



“Nelson was the best brown dog! He was our loyal snuggling friend, baby, family member for all but a few weeks of his over 17 years. He is so, so missed and his memory cherished! We hope you’re running and playing all day, buddy.”



“Cooper was the George Clooney of dogs, he got more handsome the older he got. His kindness never wavered despite his physical pain from aging. Although his brain still had the spirit of a puppy his body was failing him at the age of 15. He will truly be missed, he will always have a special place in out hearts. ❤️”



“First named Keegan the Fierce, he came to us at 13 years old, having been with two other families. The first as a pup, where he was the Comforter to his human mom when her husband died tragically in an accident, and mom had to work long hours…”



“We miss you so much Lou. ❤”



“Our beloved Lilly was full of life, loved every person she came in contact with and was the little sister of her big brother Ben. We miss you ever single day and will forever hold those precious memories we shared.”



“Roxy was with us for 19 years and went too heaven November 13th.. One of the hardest things to do was say goodbye too my baby girl who has been by my side for all those years💔 We will miss you 💔but we will see you again ❤️🙏🏻🐾 We Love you so very much and have great memories to get us by until we see you again❤️”



“We really miss you, Bella. You were part of the family for 17 years, and we love you so much. It was hard to let you go. We knew you loved us because you hung right in there till the end.”



“Our precious sweet Fergie left us way too soon. She brought so much joy into our lives which she forever changed. We cherished every moment we had her, and felt so blessed to have adopted her…”



“You gave so much love and happiness to us while you were here. We’ll always be grateful for having you in our lives, although it wasn’t nearly long enough. Know that you will always hold a special place in our hearts and will never be forgotten. Run happy and free sweet Bailey girl!”



“Our beautiful blue Buster who loved us, protected us and stood beside us for 15 years. We will miss you everyday when you’re not there to get the paper at the end of the driveway, sound the alarm of an impending delivery, grind your head into us for affection and watch over me in the kitchen for scraps. We will miss you forever and ever.”



“Sweetie was the most vigilant caretaker and constant loving companion. She had a deep soul and was gracious to every other animal.”