Pet Memorials

We’re here to support you in your grief.

When we honor death we honor life, so know we are here to help you shout to the world every aspect of the sweet life you and your family shared with a beautiful spirit.

Invite your family and friends to join us on this page and to share their thoughts about your beloved pet as well as to light a candle in honor of them and you.

Lastly, to you and your shattered heart, we send peace and light.



“Squeakers was a wonderful, sweet, loving kitty and we were so blessed to have her in our lives if only for a couple of years! She is now in Heaven pain free and playing with all the other kitties that have gone before her! Until we are all together again… we love you, Squeakers!”



“Chumley was 10 years old when we had to say goodbye. At the end of his years he suffered from Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. It was very hard to see our best friend go through this. He was the best dog we’ve ever had and is missed tremendously. We’ll love you forever!”



“We were lucky to have our sweet ‘Tiny’ aka Diezel for almost 14 years! Although we miss him dearly, we know he is finally able to challenge everyone in tug of war again and chase after all the frisbees and sticks in doggy heaven. We love you Tiny <3"



“Bently was with us for 17 wonderful years. You couldn’t ask for a better companion to share life with. Bently was a rescue; he was found tied to a tree without water. I had to have him. He was laid to rest on July 12, as it was time due to his body being just used up. This was the humane thing to do for him. We love you, Bently.”

Cosmo Italiano

Cosmo Italiano

“The always adorable, Cosmo Italiano, was my loving companion for 14 years. He was the sweetest, most agreeable pup I’ve ever shared my home with. Cosmo had his own fan club; friends would always include him in invitations to dinner at their homes; boating; concerts; polo, etc. My comfort is visualizing Cosmo at the Rainbow Bridge surrounded by his 2 German Shepherds siblings – who will watch out for him until we are reunited.”



“In loving memory of my sweet Zena girl. My Warrior Princess. You were already 6 years old when we met and when I brought you home you were finally able to be a dog. You loved meeting new people and especially loved children. You were such a kind and gentle soul. I hope you know that you gave me so much more than I have ever given you. I miss you so much mama girl. Until we meet again. I love you forever and always.”



“This is Pepper. She was a broken, abused, very afraid little girl when we adopted her. She slowly began trusting us and truly learned what love is through her time with us. She had a very happy life and became my absolute soul mate. I can’t believe she’s gone, but I know she’s running and playing in heaven with her canine sister, Ginger.”



“Trouble was our first fur baby that we adopted after we were married…”



“Smokey was the best cat I’ve ever had. He was so loving and funny. He always put a smile on my face and made me feel loved. He was my therapy cat and my best friend.”



“I rescued Bella from the Humane Society when she was eight years old. She was one of two dogs relinquished, and her pet brother or sister was adopted right away…”



“Double left my life just as suddenly as she walked into it, but I’m going to be forever grateful that she chose us to be her family. She was always asking for attention, and more than happy to spend the day cuddling wherever she could. Things just aren’t the same without her in my lap. Rest in peace Double, one day we’ll nap together again.”

Wiley Coyote

Wiley Coyote

“Why are you so serious? I am 14 allow me to show you a lighthearted young perspective of joy.”



“Alexi was three years old when we adopted her and 19 when she passed. We cherish every year we had with her, watching her personality and sweet spirit grow. We know we will see her again one day but until then she will be in our hearts. ❤️❤️”



“This is Chomp. He was a great dog and friend. We miss him so much.”



“Shorty came into our lives in 2013. She had been a stray but was tame and sweet. She liked to be with us, and she liked our dog, Sasha. She would meow loudly outside our bedroom door, demanding to come in. She sat beside me on the sofa, wanting to be part of the family. She wanted treats when Sasha got a treat, and she would wait on mats by doors until we would return from walks or a closed room. She was always gentle and sweet with us, never biting or using her claws. I miss her terribly. Love you, Miss Shorty.”



“She was the sweetest most loving dog a family could have. So many happy times spent with you Abbey. RIP baby girl 😥🧡”



“To my girly girl…in my heart… always💚”



“Oliver, I may have saved your life when we first met, but you have saved mine every single day since then. You will always be my best friend, and you will forever be missed. I look forward to the day we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. I love you, Bubs.”



“Our beloved Pogi was our pack leader and gave nothing but love and happiness to our family for 15 years. We were truly blessed to be a part of his life and not a day goes by we do not think of him. We miss him dearly and he will remain forever in our hearts. We love you Pogi and thank you for rescuing us!”



“I can only hope that we gave her as much joy as she gave us. She was also such Diva, but was always loving and sweet! There will never be another Ambroshia. A piece of my heart is now in heaven with her. I will see you again sweet girl. 💕”