Student Chapter

IAAHPC Student Chapters are growing across the United States. With the emerging trend of respectful and dignified end-of-life services for pets, students are finding this type of educational focus to be just the difference they are ready to make in their communities.

IAAHPC Student Chapter logo

Join us, and together let’s make a difference. Thank you for supporting the IAAHPC mission and vision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find current IAAPHC student chapters?

What started as a grassroots movement is quickly growing in interest with students around the world. As the IAAHPC members continue their efforts in bringing dignified and respectful end-of-life services to families worldwide, veterinary medicine students are seeking to learn more about services and experiences focused on the final walk for a pet parent and their beloved pet. The IAAHPC is currently assisting interested prospective Student Chapters and we are excited to hear from YOU!

Ready to be the IAAHPC’s next Student Chapter? Join us!

How do I start a chapter?

  • To start a student chapter, you will need to fill out the application. Applications will be reviewed monthly by the Student Chapter Committee, and you will be contacted by the Executive Director once your chapter has been approved.
  • In addition to applying with the IAAHPC, the founding student members and faculty advisor are required to register your chapter as a student organization within your university. Because each university has its own unique process, be sure to reach out to them with any specific questions, and forward your successful completion to the IAAHPC executive director when received.

My student chapter was approved. Where can I find additional resources to help me get started?

The Student Chapter Welcome Packet contains publicity materials, event ideas, the Code of Conduct, and a Constitution template.

What funding opportunities are open to students?

After the Student Chapters have been formally and officially approved, funds will be available through the IAAHPC association to assist with a kick-off event for the Chapter and prospective members.

Also consider these options as fundraisers for the local chapter for future meetings and functions:

  • Animal events for the community
  • Annual membership dues campaigns
  • Merchandise sales: Visit our online swag store to check out IAAPHC merchandise, or submit your own ideas before creating to the IAAHPC Executive Director for approval.
  • Bake sales
  • Get creative! There are so many ideas it could be exhausting listing them all here!

How can I contact speakers in our area?

Check out the IAAHPC Speaker Bureau for a great starting list of experts in our field. You may also be able to coordinate virtual meetings with our board members. Reach out to our executive director for assistance!

What other member benefits can students expect in being a part of the IAAHPC Student Chapter?

  • As a student, membership is FREE with the IAAHPC. With that free membership, there are countless hours of educational content with a focus on animal hospice, palliative care, and euthanasia experiences. These FREE hours of learning will elevate a student’s skill set as they begin their job search after graduation, certainly creating a competitive advantage in the hiring process.
  • Students will have the opportunity to attend annual IAAHPC conferences and to participate in a scholarship program for significantly reduced registration fees and assistance with travel expenses.
  • Students will have first-hand access to existing IAAHPC members and their services for internships and mentoring in end-of-life care.
  • And so much MORE!

IAAHPC student materials

Current Chapters

Already an IAAHPC Student Chapter? We welcome you to access some links of interest below.

Apply Now

Complete and submit the form below to make a lasting impact for animals and start a student chapter at your university.

Please provide the name and non-university email of two student chapter leaders.
Please provide the name and email of one faculty advisor.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.