
“Charlie, my sweet angel boy. You came to me at 8 years old. I knew then that this day would come sooner than I’d want, but I adopted you anyways. The first day I brought you home, I knew I’d made the right decision.

You were so chill and just wanted to be near me at all times and loved every person and animal you encountered. The most gentle big guy there ever was. My favorite thing you did was nudge my arm or hand for more pets.

I’ll never forget our first hike through the woods and down by the river. You loved it. I will miss you always, but I’m thankful for the 6 years I got to share with you. I know you are somewhere laying in the warm, sunny grass, no longer in pain.

Someday we will meet again, my Charlie boy, but until then, I’ll never forget you.

Madeline 💙”