Baby Girl

“Baby Girl was a street cat in our neighborhood. She was kept away from food by the other cats. One male cat actually brought her to me. She was afraid of everything and very sick. After a vet visit, I found out how sick she was. After surgeries for a mouth infection and losing most of her teeth, she started on the road to recovery and became the companion I didn’t know I needed.

Baby Girl loved unconditionally. She stole my heart. Baby Girl would be silly one minute, making us laugh, and then needing and wanting my attention to love and fuss over her, and she ate it up. My heart still aches, and the tears still flow. I have had other pets, but there was something special about Baby Girl. She would look at you, and you could actually see and feel the love coming from her. She is waiting for the day when we will be reunited.

The Rev. Billy Graham said that if it took for his black lab “Blackie” to be in Heaven for him to be happy, then God would have “Blackie” there, for God wants us to be happy. Jesse Duplantis said he saw animals of all kinds in his testimony of his trip to Heaven.

One more thing, she did not like light in her eyes when she wanted to sleep in. She loved the heating blanket kept on low so she had a warm place to take naps on cold days, and the best was she loved using my hand as her pillow when we went to bed.

Sweet dreams, Baby Girl.”