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Hazel was a beautiful and extraordinarily sweet Montana girl. When she was a young kitty she loved to go for walks with mommy along a local trail and to tear apart stuffed toy birds. But most of all, she loved to run and chase string in figure-eights. She absolutely LOVED her string. She would bring it with her all around the house and even onto the bed in the middle of the night just hoping someone would wake up and fling it around.
Hazel was also incredibly smart. She always managed to figure out how to get to what she wanted or let you know when she didn’t like something in the most creative ways.
As Hazel grew older she became even more cuddly and affectionate. She usually wanted to sleep in my arms with her head on my pillow and my face buried in her sweet-smelling fur. If I moved out of position in the night she would gently wake me up to resume our night time cuddles.
Hazel was the most beautiful kitty in the whole world and she meant everything to me and the rest of her family. She was loved immensely all of her almost 20 years on earth and she will go on being loved just as much in her death. She will always be the Queen of my heart – my Hazel-rah ❤️

Dad Kidd lit a candle...
Hazel, how loved you are. How you loved to quietly patrol the environs to make sure nothing had been moved. You walked the straight and narrow never getting out of my way and never asking me for anything while completely ignoring me. You made your caregivers love you, and that’s a nice way to live, isn’t it.

Ro Burton lit a candle...
Aww Beautiful Hazel. I didn’t get to meet you but I’ve heard nothing but beautiful things about you. You leaving has broken your family’s heart but you will forever be loved and missed terribly. Continue to rest beautiful fur baby 💕