Thank you for letting us come into your world, and into your inbox! We are so excited to be here, and to be connected through the IAAHPC.

You’ve talked, and we’ve listened. You said you like to hear from us on e-mail, with shorter more concise messages.

Every week we’ll be in your inbox with informational blasts. Each week’s messages will be addressing just a few subjects within the IAAHPC organization so you can quickly browse the information during your busy day. You’ll see:

Cheer & Community: Information on our Volunteers and recognition for our volunteer of the Month as well as the member community platform we have just launched to keep our members more closely connected as a group.

Conference & Connect: Everything you’ll need to know about the conference and information on connecting with your association colleagues.

Circles & Care: Ready to know more about Business Circles? You’ll hear it here! As well as information on another member benefit, the IAAHPC donation program.

Certify & Courses: The IAAHPC certification and certificate programs are highly sought-after. Hear from graduates and student’s their experiences on this incredibly valuable education. Webinars, webinars, webinars! We’ll showcase a new one for you to consider viewing every month!
We can’t wait to share in a cup of coffee or an evening tea as you get these musings and dive into them. We ARE in this together, so together we will continue to grow!

Why Join IAAHPC?

A membership organization, IAAHPC is open to any person who would like to contribute to a constructive discussion as we learn from each others experience.